歡迎 Welcome!

我們教會是一個不分宗派的教會, 從最初查經班時期開始, 到現在已有超過四十年的歷史, 是伯明罕地區唯一獨立的華人教會. 我們提供成人, 大學生, 研究生, 青少年和兒童敬拜神, 學習聖經, 並彼此交流的機會. 青少年和兒童的節目是以英文來進行. 我們教會現有半職的青少年/英文主任Nathan Graham. 您可以從我們這個網站得到更多的內容及各樣聚會時間等相關訊息. 願伯明罕華人基督教會成為您的祝福.

Birmingham Chinese Christian Church is a non-denominational church with a history of over forty years started as a Bible study group and is now the only independent Chinese church in Birmingham, Alabama. Our mission statement is to to bring people to Jesus and love one another. We provide the services to adults, college students, graduate students, youth, and children to worship God, study the Bible, and fellowship with each other. Programs for the first generation immigrants are in Chinese as for youth and children are conducted in English. Our church currently has a part-time youth/English director Nathan Graham. You are welcome to check more information from this website. May Birmingham Chinese Christian Church be your blessing.


Please mail offering to:

5099 Caldwell Mill Road, Birmingham AL 35242
