
[envira-gallery id=”194″]伯明罕華人基督教會為一不分宗派的教會團體,這些年來,教會事工都是由參與服事的信徒們分工合作,同心協力推動,而一切所需經費也是由信徒們自由奉獻而來,未接受其他任何教會及機構之資助。

1975年之前, 伯明罕尚無以華語為主的基督徒聚會。 約在1973年初由William L. Longshore夫婦組成國際查經班,由John Inman夫婦帶領查經。 兩年後,經李東清與曾憲博弟兄之發起與鼓勵,及邱乾相,齊北城兩家之支持,決定組成中文查經班。 中文查經班初成立時,由李,曾二弟兄輪流帶領並有美國友人協助嬰兒看顧及兒童教學。 1978年,中文查經班決定更名為“伯明罕中國基督徒團契”。 到1987年12月再將名稱中的中國二字改為 “華人”意在包括所有華人同胞在內。

1989年3月26日,復活節,“伯明罕華人基督教會” 正式成立。 1989年11月教會邀請周孔道牧師來牧會,並於1990年10月開始成為伯明罕華人基督教會首任牧師,周牧師於1995年1月退休。 1996年7月,郭雲漢牧師來牧養本教會前後七年,於2003年8月離開本教會。 2006年3月陳信銘傳道來到我們當中一起服事,并於2007年3月3日在本教會被按立為牧師。 陳信銘牧師在本教會服事近4年, 於2010年1月離開。 2017年8月,吴雪峰传道来到伯明罕華人基督教會, 2018年4月成为校园团契的半职传道同工,并于2019年4月成为教会的全职传道。 2021年7月10日在本教會被按立為牧師。吴雪峰牧師在本教會服事7年, 於2024年8月離開。

伯明罕華人基督教會自成立以来,一直受到周边兄弟教会的爱心帮助。 1978-2007年间,伯明罕華人基督教會 一直在Southside Baptist Church聚会。 2007年, 伯明罕華人基督教會遷入Vestavia Alliance Church 聚會。 与此同时,神的靈也感動弟兄姐妹不斷的禱告,求祂賜下我們自己的教堂。 神進一步印證祂自己是教會的主,於在2012年2月7日賜給我們一個新教堂. 我們正式遷入的日期是2012年3月18日。 感謝 神賜給我們這迦南美地。相信 神要使用我們, 讓我們彼此相愛, 廣傳福音. 讓 神的心意透過我們這些不配的罪人, 努力來見證 神的榮耀!

Birmingham Chinese Christian Church (BCCC) is a non-denominational and financially independent church. In the past few decades, church ministries have been driven by dedicated co-workers with unity. All the administration funds are from the offerings of the faithful believers, and not funded by any other churches or organizations.

Before 1975, there was no Chinese-speaking Christian gathering at Birmingham. At the beginning of 1973, an International Bible Study Group was organized by William L. Longshore and led by John Inman. After two years, 1975, a few of the Chinese immigrants decided to form Birmingham’s very first Chinese-speaking Christian community. Brothers Dongqing Li, Herbert Tsang, Chayn Chiou, and Peicheng Chi led the way. In the early years of Chinese Bible Study Group, Brothers Li and Tsang served as the primary teachers, while English-speaking friends provided childcare. The name of the Chinese Bible Study Group was changed to “The Birmingham Chinese Christian Fellowship” in 1978, and it continued to grow.

By Easter of 1989, “Birmingham Chinese Christian Church” was officially established. In November 1989, the governing board decided to invite Rev. Kongdao Chou to join the ministry. In October 1990, he formally became BCCC’s first pastor. Rev. Chou retired in January 1995. In July1996, Rev. Yunhan Gwo became the second pastor of the church. He served in that role all the way through August 2003. In March 2006, brother Joseph Chen joined BCCC, was ordained as the pastor by the church on March 3rd, 2007. Pastor Chen served in BCCC till January 2010. In August 2017, minister Joseph Wu joined BCCC, and became a part-time campus minister in April 2018. Pastor Wu became a full-time minister at BCCC in April 2019 and was ordained as the pastor by the church on July 10th, 2021. Pastor Wu served in BCCC till August 2024.

Since it was born, Birmingham Chinese Christian Church was loved by brother churches in the community. From 1978 to 2007, Birmingham Chinese Christian Church gathered at Southern Baptist Church. In 2007, Birmingham Chinese Christian Church relocated to the Vestavia Alliance Church. It is the Holy spirit that led brothers and sisters at the church to pray for our own campus. Surely, HE is the head of the church and led us to the new location on February 8th, 2012. We moved into the current campus on March 18th, 2012. Thank God for this beautiful campus. We believe that GOD will use us to spread the gospel. Let’s love one another and let God’s will be done through those of us who are unworthy sinners, to seek and witness the glory of God.