第一章 名稱:
本教會定名為“伯明罕華人基督教會”,為Alabama州州政府立案之宗教團體,英文名稱為“BIRMINGHAM CHINESE CHRISTIAN CHURCH”。
第二章 宗旨:
第三章 信仰:
- 我們相信:全部新舊約聖經六十六卷書都是神所默示的,是教會及信徒信仰和生活的唯一標準。
- 我們相信:聖父、聖子、聖靈三位一體的獨一真神,是自有永有,是創造、救贖和審判的神。
- 我們相信:人是照神的形象被造,因背逆神而墮落,以致罪與死臨到世人並與神隔絕。
- 我們相信:耶穌基督是神的獨生兒子,道成肉身降世為人,藉童貞女瑪利亞由聖靈感孕而生,他為擔當世人的罪,捨身流血在十字架上,作世人的贖罪祭,救贖一切相信他的人,他死後被埋葬,第三日由死里復活,升天,在父神的右邊作信徒的中保,將來他必定再來建立神永遠的國度。
- 我們相信:聖靈啟示感動,使人知罪悔改,並引導信徒明白真理,使信徒成為聖潔,過得勝的生活。
- 我們相信:人必須重生,只有接受耶穌基督為救主,信耶穌的流血代贖,才得蒙贖罪,與神和好。
- 我們相信:將來死人都要身體復活,並照各人所行的接受審判。
- 我們相信:教會是基督的身體,由重生得救的信徒組成,是永生神的家,以耶穌基督為元首,教會的使命是向萬民傳福音,領人歸主,並在真道上造就信徒。
第四章 會友:
第五章 組織:
執事的產生由會友建議,長執會提名,經本人同意,由會友大會三分之二多數通過。執 事任期爲兩年一任,連選只可連任一次。執事的人數,由長執會視教會工作需要而定。
長執會設主席一人,由現任長老中一位擔任。原則上由每位長老輪流擔任,任期爲一年,但人選由長老團商議後一致決定。全職牧師不應擔任此職。若長老團因缺乏現任長老而無法正常工作,主席人選由長執會選舉產生,任期為一年, 連選得連任一次。長執會主席負責主持教會的事工,向長執會傳達長老團會議簡報,召集和主持長執會會議。長執會主席若因故暫時不能履行其職,應先指定代理人選。長執會另設常務執事一人,由現任執事中一位擔任,人選由長執會選舉產生,任期為一年, 連選得連任一次。常務執事協助長執會主席協調安排長執會的決議和教會日常事工。
第六章 會友大會:
第七章 解散:
第八章 附則:
Birmingham Chinese Christian Church Constitution
Chapter One: Name
The church is known as “Birmingham Chinese Christian Church,” a religious and charitable organization registered in the state of Alabama.
Chapter Two: Purpose
The church is a non-denominational Christian organization with the purpose of building up a body of Christ through worship of God, Christian fellowship, Bible teaching, and gospel evangelism.
Chapter Three: Statement of Faith
1. We believe in the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments (all 66 books), inspired by God and commanded to be the supreme and final authority in the faith and life of believers.
2. We believe in one God existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He was, is, and forever will be the eternal God of creation, redemption, and judgment.
3. We believe that Adam and Eve were created in the image of God, that they were separated from God because of disobedience, and that sin and shame have since caused all people to be separated from God.
4. We believe that Jesus Christ, God’s only son, was miraculously conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of a virgin, Mary. Jesus shed his blood on the cross as the sacrificial payment for our sins so that whoever receives him will be saved. Jesus died, was buried, was raised from the dead on the third day, ascended to Heaven with a glorified body, and is now exalted at the right hand of God, where he serves as the mediator for believers. One day, Jesus will return in power and glory to establish the Kingdom of God and rule forever.
5. We believe that it is the Holy Spirit who moves sinners to repentance, reveals the truth to believers, and leads them into consecrated and triumphant living.
6. We believe that sinners are born again by receiving Jesus Christ as their personal savior. By the blood of Jesus Christ, they are justified and reconciled to God. Salvation is the gift of God, not the result of good works.
7. We believe in the bodily resurrection of the dead at the last day and in the judgment of each person.
8. We believe that the Church is the body of Christ and that Christ is the head of the Church. The Church, constituted by all born-again Christians, is the temple of God. The mission of the Church is to evangelize the world, to disciple Christians, and to lead them to Christian truth.
Chapter Four: Membership
1. Membership of this church shall be based on the individual’s affirmation of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and baptism. The Board of Elders and Deacons shall examine and make final a decision on membership after an individual submits an application. (The identification of members is based on the latest re-registration of the church)
2. All members of this church are vested with the right to vote, the right to be elected, and the right to express opinions.
3. All members should attend meetings regularly, give tithes and offerings, and participate in church ministries.
4. All members should bear witness to Christ in their daily living.
5. Membership shall be revoked by the action of the church upon a unanimous recommendation by the Board for any individual who has dishonored the name of Christ by serious misconduct or crime and who has persistently refused to repent, even after repeated admonitions.
Chapter Five: Government
1. The Board of Elders and Deacons carries out church ministries on behalf of its members.
2. The Board consists of active elders, full-time pastors, full-time church staff ministers who have not yet been ordained, and all active deacons. The Board is the governing body of this church. There is no separate Board of Deacons.
3. The active elders and ordained full-time pastors comprise the Council of Elders. The Council shall invite all full-time church staff ministers to its regular meetings. The Council is responsible for preaching the Word of God, supervising the faith of the church, promoting spiritual growth and education for the congregation, and implementing church discipline. The Council has the full authority to execute the above duties without requesting individual approvals from the Board. Upon unanimous consensus, the Council may also make strategic and long-term plans, which can be implemented after a two-thirds majority approval from the Board. The Board has the final authority on governing duties.
4. Candidates for deaconship shall be suggested by church members, nominated by the Board after obtaining consent from the nominated individuals, and elected at the Member General Assembly by a two-thirds majority for a two-year term. Upon expiration of the first term, a deacon may be elected to an additional two-year term, after which he must rotate off for one year. The size of the Board will depend on the size of the congregation and ministerial needs.
5. Candidates for eldership shall be nominated by the Board and the inactive elders after obtaining consent from the candidates who have received a calling and confirmation from God. Nominees shall be elected at the Member General Assembly by a two-thirds majority for a four-year term. Upon expiration of the term, an elder may be elected to another four-year term, with no term limit. An elder-elect becomes an active elder after being ordained by the church. An active elder becomes an inactive elder upon the expiration of the four-year term without being re-elected or by resignation. An inactive elder still has spiritual authority but does not have governing duties. An inactive elder provides only ministerial advice to the Board.
6. In principle, there shall be three active elders in the church, but no less than two and no more than five. If only one active elder is left due to other elders leaving their posts, the elder shall remain active until his term expires. Without an active elder, the Council shall cease to exist, and the Board shall assume all the duties and responsibilities of the Council.
7. The church does not have the position of Senior Pastor. All pastors from the Chinese speaking congregation, English youth ministry, and any other ministries shall work together but report directly and individually to the Board.
8. Each year, the Board shall have one of the elders from the Council as its chairman for a one-year term. The Council shall unanimously decide which elder to serve. The Council shall try its best to rotate each member for the chairmanship. However, a full-time pastor is not eligible for this position. If there is no functional Council of Elders, the chairman shall be elected from the members of the Board for a one-year term and can be re-elected once after the term expires.
9. The Chairman of the Board is responsible for church ministries, reports to the Board with the decisions or recommendations from the Council, and calls/presides over the Board meeting. The Chairman shall delegate his duties to another Board member if he cannot perform his duties.
10. The Board shall elect an Executive Deacon from the members of the Board for a term of one year. He can be re-elected once upon expiration of the term. The Executive Deacon assists the Chairman of the Board to execute resolutions from the Board meetings and coordinate daily ministries.
11. During his tenure, if a pastor, an elder, or a deacon moves away from biblical teaching and faith or commits misconduct with significant social or moral fault, he should resign. Otherwise, he should be removed from that position by the recommendation of the Board and approval of the Member General Assembly.
12. The church has a Board of Trustees, which is responsible for any legal duties for the church. Any legal documents which shall be filed with the state or county as public records need to be signed by all the members from the Board of Trustees upon approval from the Member General Assembly with a two-thirds of majority.
13. There shall be three members in the Board of Trustees, with no term limit. They serve until their successors are nominated by the Board of Elders and Deacons and approved by the Member General Assembly with a two-thirds majority. The new members shall have their full authority after the change is filed with the state or county as public record.
Chapter Six: Member General Assembly
The church will hole a general meeting at least once a year to make decisions regarding the most important church ministries, such as hiring preachers, electing elders/deacons/trustees, amending the constitution, passing the annual operational budget, and working with the church assets. The date and time shall be announced two weeks prior to the meeting, which shall be located at the same address where the worship service is offered. Any resolution shall be approved by a two-thirds majority of the attendees.
Chapter Seven: Dissolution
The church is defined by section 501(c) (3) of the US Federal Internal Revenue Service Code as a religious organization. Upon dissolution of the church, all assets will be transferred to other organizations of the same nature.
Chapter Eight: Supplementary Provisions
Any amendment shall be drafted by the Board and approved by the membership with a two-thirds majority in the Member General Assembly. The ministries of the church are also governed by the detailed administrative rules. The co-worker committee will perform the church duties before the members of the Board of Elders and Deacon are elected.